Discover the Forces Behind Social Inequality and Social Change
As a 社会学 major, 您将了解与种族相关的个人和群体身份, class, 性别, 性, 年龄, culture and religion. 学生还将从科学的角度研究人类信仰和行为的原因和后果.
Why earn your 社会学 degree at St. 爱德华的?
无论你是想从事社会服务还是社会学研究, one thing is certain: The advant年龄s of your St. 爱德华的 education will prepare you to succeed. 你会在课堂内外找到学习、回馈和实现目标的机会. And your mentors will support you every step of the way.
Gain skills through invaluable internship opportunities
Outside the classroom, 你可以通过在儿童福利机构实习来运用你的技能, nonprofits that assist with underserved communities, girls empowerment clubs, 家庭暴力庇护所或环境和人权倡导组织.
Build relationships with your professors
你将在小班授课中学习,由屡获殊荣的教授授课,他们会努力了解你,成为你值得信赖的顾问. They’ll help you identify and focus on your goals, and provide guidance and insight during and after your college years.
Reap the Rewards of Austin
奥斯汀是许多致力于解决社会不平等问题的非营利组织和倡导组织的基地. As a 社会学 major, 您将有机会向专家学习,他们对改变该地区及其他地区各种服务不足社区的生活有着相似的热情.
What do our graduates do?
社会学专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从圣. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.
- English Teaching Assistant in the Fulbright U.S. 学生项目
- Peace Corps member in Ecuador
- Senior associate in Client Solutions at the Gerson Lehrman Group
- 普尔曼华盛顿州立大学社会学博士课程的学生
- Donor relations and data coordinator at Foundation Communities, which provides supportive, affordable housing to families in need
Explore Details 关于 a Degree in 社会学
Major Requirements社会学文学士需要42小时的主修课程, which include a combination of different sociology classes, and some global studies, 犯罪学, 和心理学. 除了, 学生选择9小时的职业重点选修课程,帮助他们为未来的兴趣做好准备, such as graduate school or their career path in sociology.
选修课学生在他们选择的任何学习领域完成24小时的选修课程. These courses do not have to relate to the major.
General Education Requirements除了主修课程和选修课外,该学位还要求学生在四年内完成54小时的通识教育课程.
View and download the full degree plan for our 社会学 major (PDF).
A few examples of courses students in this major take:
自我与社会 社会学是研究群体、组织和个人在社会中的行为的学科. 在本课程中,你将学习如何提出社会学问题,分析社会生活,从而理解文化等事物, 社会化, 权力关系, social institutions and group interaction affect individuals.
Beauty, Bodies, and Sexuality – What is the definition of a “normal” and “beautiful” body? 年龄是怎么变的?, 性别, 比赛, 社会阶层, sexual orientation, and 性 shape how bodies are perceived and treated? In this course you will examine these questions, as well as others, 通过分析与美和性有关的历史和当代信仰和社会规范.
Families and Intimate Relationships ——社会学的理论基础是社会组织人们的生活,个人的经历反映和再现了文化理想和模式. 在本课程中,你将探索家庭作为一个社会机构是如何与其他机构相互作用的,以及这些更大的过程是如何(经济的、社会的), 政治, global) shape family, as well as how individual family experiences shape the social world.
What You Will Learn
研究家庭、政治和宗教等机构,以及权力在社会中的分配. 社会学帮助你理解为什么一些群体维持现状,而另一些群体颠覆和重塑社会. 它可以帮助你看到像犯罪浪潮这样的事件是冰山一角,并识别在表面之下起作用的更大的社会和历史力量.
社会学专业的学生学习进行研究以理解社会现象的方法. You’ll have the opportunity to present your work at the St. 爱德华本科生研究与创意表达研讨会或专业学术会议, 你在哪里可以了解研究和学术领域的职业,并建立你的人际网络.
所有社会学专业的学生都要在社区组织完成至少75小时的实习,任务是实现某种形式的社会正义. Here is where you will apply your knowledge of social inequality; diversity and inclusion; critical thinking; effective communication; and social justice. 社会学 majors recently have interned at the following sites:
- Texas Civil Rights Project
- 人 Organize in Defense of Earth and her Resources (PODER)
- Austin Partners in Education
- Casa Marianella
- 城市的根
- Autism Society of Austin
- Breakthrough Central Texas
- 青年宣传
- Posada Esperanza
- Texas Victims Services Association
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- 三一中心
- 女孩摇滚营! -奥斯丁
- Interfaith Action of Central Texas
- Youth Rise Texas
- Communities in 学校
- Grassroots Leadership
- Go Austin/Vamos Austin
- The SAFE Alliance
- Texas Advocacy Project
- 女青年会
- 塞拉俱乐部
- Mujeres Inspiradas en Sueños, Metas y Acciones
- 少数民族争取经济、教育、自由和正义平等中心
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
Service Opportunities
校园部为所有学生提供许多服务项目, regardless of major or religious affiliation. 回馈你的社区,学习如何在现实世界中解决你在课堂上学到的挑战.
S.E.R.V.E Austin is a weekly, 在一个特定的地点做一学期的志愿者,在那里你将与移民和难民建立关系, children at an after-school program, young adults working on their GED, the elderly or the formerly homeless.
S.E.R.V.E. 1 Day events are Saturday-morning programs that include breakfast, transportation to the site, lunch and a reflection. These one-day projects often involve physical labor, like cleaning up a park, removing invasive species or painting a school.
服务休息经历给你机会去另一个社区旅行, volunteer and learn about local life. SBEs are built on ongoing relationships between St. 并要求学生提前几个月做好教育和精神上的准备. 这次旅行包含了有组织的反思,这样你就可以把你学到的东西整合起来,并用它来推动你的慈善和正义工作. sbe的一个特点是他们强调简单的生活——你会把手机和其他奢侈品抛在脑后.
想要学习更多关于人类互动科学的知识,或者想要在自己选择的职业中受益于扩展视角的学生,应该考虑辅修社会学. The 社会学 minor requires 18 hours of coursework.
- 自我与社会
- 社会理论
- Topics in 社会学
- Race, Class and Gender
- Two upper-division sociology courses