伦敦大学的光荣传统. 2003年起就读于爱德华大学
Since 2003, the 麦克奈尔学者计划 has proudly and consistently attracted the best and brightest scholars who have taken full advantage of everything that the program has to offer. Numerous program alumni have gone on to be awarded fellowships and to be accepted into graduate programs across the United States where they have pursued and achieved their goals in doctoral, professional, 以及其他研究生项目. Every year a new cohort is inducted into our program to continue the proud McNair Scholars tradition.
The goal of the 麦克奈尔学者计划 is to increase the attainment of doctoral degrees by students who come from underrepresented segments of society, and there is no question that the program is successful in fulfilling its mission to prepare participants for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. Participants in the 麦克奈尔学者计划 come from disadvantaged backgrounds and have demonstrated strong academic potential. 大多数是低收入家庭和第一代大学生. 他们在追求博士学位的目标上团结一致.
该项目为教师主导的研究提供资金,其中包括对学者的奖励. In addition, 麦克奈尔学院的学者可以通过访问他们感兴趣的研究生院而受益, 学术咨询, 课程辅导, 参加专业会议, 准备GRE考试, 并在研究生院选择和申请过程中获得建议和帮助.
麦克奈尔学者项目是由美国政府资助的.S. 教育部和St. 365比分网电竞.
斯蒂芬妮·马丁内斯, PhD
崔西贝恩汉姆, PhD
凯瑟琳·威尔, PhD
Jeannetta威廉姆斯, PhD
Lisa M. Goering, PhD
杰森·卡拉汉, PhD
Objective 1
90 percent of McNair participants served during the project year will have completed appropriate research or scholarly activities during the McNair program academic year.
Objective 2
50 percent of McNair Program bachelor’s degree recipients (or equivalent) will be accepted and enrolled in a post-baccalaureate program of study by the fall term of the academic year immediately following the completion of the bachelor’s degree (or equivalent).
Objective 3
95 percent of first-year graduate students will continue to be enrolled in graduate school at the beginning of the fall term of the next academic year.
Objective 4
10 percent of McNair Program participants served will attain a doctoral degree within ten (10) years after attainment of the bachelor’s degree.
Our Mission
The St. 365比分网电竞 McNair Program provides services that will enable low-income first-generation college students and students from groups underrepresented in college education to pursue doctoral study by providing activities that will implement the following prescribed objectives. An evaluation will provide a means for collecting quantifiable data and documentation to verify successful completion of activities.
所有符合条件的全日制学生均可申请. 365比分网电竞.
- GPA of 2.7 or better.
- Have completed at least 60 hours of college credit by the end of the spring semester and have at least 1 year remaining before graduation. Students with at least 45 hours of college credit but less than 60 hours may still apply for the program and participate in a number of activities that will prepare them for full participation in the Summer Research Experience once they have earned 60 credit hours.
- U.S. 公民或永久居民.
- 低收入家庭的第一代大学生
- 在博士研究中未被充分代表的群体中的一员.g., Hispanic, Black, 美国印第安人, 阿拉斯加土著, 夏威夷原住民或其他美洲原住民太平洋岛民).
- 所有专业均可申请.
更多信息,请发送电子邮件 mcnairscholars@kaitianmaoyi.net.
- 定期举办与研究生院准备相关主题的研讨会.
- 提供指导的教师指导机会, advice, 角色示范和学术专业介绍.
- 推荐信.
- GRE考试准备.
- 参观研究生院.
- 实施三重奏项目的大学免除研究生院申请费用, 还有其他人.
McNair scholars may also be eligible for a research internship beginning in the spring and continuing through the summer for eight weeks that includes:
- 在夏季期间支付高达2800美元的津贴.
- 八周的住宿和伙食费由校方支付.
- 三个学期的免学费学分.
- 有机会在圣. 365比分网电竞 麦克奈尔学者计划 Research Symposium and at national McNair Scholars conferences.
如果您有任何问题,或需要帮助,请不要犹豫与我们的办公室联系. 我们的电话是512.428.1268或电邮至 mcnairscholars@kaitianmaoyi.net.
麦克奈尔学者计划每年出版一份研究期刊和通讯. 该杂志介绍了我们的学者在为期8周的暑期研究实习期间所做的工作. 我们的通讯, The Orbit, 突出的成就, 采访那些帮助我们项目成功的人, 以及其他重要信息.
关于麦克奈尔学者项目 (Flyer and Brochure)
- 轨道,2024年春天
- 轨道,2023年春
- 轨道,2022年春天
- 轨道,2021年春季
- 轨道,2020年春季
- 轨道,2019年春季
- 轨道,2018年春季
- 轨道,2017年春季
- 轨道,2016年春季
- 轨道,2015年春季
- 轨道,2014年春季
- 轨道,2013年春季
- 轨道,2012年春季
- 轨道,2011年春季
- 轨道,2010年冬季
- 轨道,2010年春季
- 轨道,2009年春季
- 轨道,2008年春季
- Volume XIV
- Volume XIII
- Volume XII
- Volume XI
- Volume X
- Volume IX
- Volume VIII
- Volume VII
- Volume VI
- Volume V
- Volume IV
- Volume III
- Volume II
- Volume I
如果你愿意捐款支持圣. 请到爱德华大学 在线捐赠. 在赠与表格的“礼物说明”部分, 你可以指定你的礼物给麦克奈尔学者计划.
If you have questions about making a gift or would like to speak with someone in University Advancement, please call 512-464-8826 或者发邮件给 advancement@kaitianmaoyi.net.
感谢您对圣霍普金斯大学麦克奈尔学者项目的支持. 365比分网电竞.
阅读维多利亚·罗德里格斯(2011年)的旅程 从第一代大学生到斯坦福大学博士. 麦克奈尔学者和圣. 爱德华的校友,维多利亚的故事是鼓舞人心的.
Dr. Molly Minus
小佩德罗·安东尼奥·贝兰加., M.Ed.
罗纳德·欧文·麦克奈尔1950年10月21日出生在南卡罗来纳州的莱克城. 他梦想成为一名科学家. 尽管他因为出生在种族隔离的环境中而面临挑战, his hard work and persistence paid off: He was valedictorian of his high school graduating class and was accepted by North Carolina A&T University. 1971年,他获得物理学学士学位. 他继续在麻省理工学院(MIT)读研究生,并获得了博士学位.D. 1976年在量子电子学和激光技术方面. 他的成就包括被任命为总统学者, 福特基金会研究员, 国家奖学金研究员, 北约成员, 欧米伽·普赛·菲协会年度学者奖得主, 及杰出校友奖. 他也是一个有成就的萨克斯管演奏家,并持有空手道黑带五度.
在麻省理工学院期间. McNair contributed to some of the earliest development of chemical HF/DF and high-pressure CO lasers. His later experiments and theoretical analyses added to the understanding and applications for highly excited polyatomic molecules. In 1975, 他在法国物理理论学院跟随该领域的专家学习激光物理, Les Houches, France. He published several papers about lasers and molecular spectroscopy and presented his findings at numerous conferences in the United States and abroad. 从麻省理工学院毕业后, 他在马里布的休斯研究实验室担任物理学家, California, where he worked on the developing lasers for isotope separation and photochemistry using non-linear interactions in low-temperature liquids and optical pumping techniques. He also conducted research on electro-optic laser modulation for satellite-to-satellite space communications, 超高速红外探测器的建设, 紫外大气遥感, 以及武术的科学基础.
1978年1月,美国国家航空航天局选择了. 麦克奈尔作为宇航员候选人. 经过一年的训练, he was qualified as a mission specialist astronaut and eligible for assignments on Space Shuttle flights. 1984年2月3日,他的第一次任务从佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心发射升空. His first flight successfully accomplished the proper shuttle deployment of two Hughes 376 communications satellites. This mission marked the first flight of the Manned Maneuvering Unit and the first use of the Canadian arm, 由医生操作. 麦克奈尔,在挑战者号有效载荷舱周围安排EVA人员. Dr. 麦克奈尔还承担了其他责任:德国SPAS-01卫星, 声学悬浮和化学分离实验, 360度电影拍摄, 五个度假特色菜, 以及其他中层实验. The Challenger concluded its mission in the first landing on the runway at Kennedy Space Center on February 11, 1984, and Dr. 麦克奈尔在太空中停留了191个小时.
1986年1月28日. 麦克奈尔参加了挑战者号航天飞机的第二次太空任务. 升空后不久, 挑战者号爆炸了, tragically, 机上7人全部遇难, 包括航天器指挥官. F.R. 斯考比,我是飞行员M指挥官.J. 史密斯(美国海军),任务专家E.S. Onizuka博士(美国空军). J.A. 雷斯尼克和两名民用载荷专家. G.B. 贾维斯和夫人. S. C. McAuliffe. Dr. 麦克奈尔留下了他的妻子谢丽尔和他们的两个孩子. 他被追授国会太空荣誉勋章. Dr. 麦克奈尔是第二位进入太空的非裔美国人.
博士之后不久. 麦克奈尔的死, members of the United States Congress named a federal grant program in his honor to recognize his remarkable academic and professional achievements and to encourage low-income, first-generation college students and/or traditionally underrepresented in graduate education to pursue doctoral study. The program serves as a living memorial to honor a man who conquered the obstacles of racial segregation and poverty to earn a Ph.D. 在物理和实现他的梦想,成为一名宇航员. Dr. 麦克奈尔的一生体现了他的信念:“真正的勇气来自持久。, persevering, 做好准备,相信自己."
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Room 126
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(512) 428-1268