
Ornate door

St. 爱德华大学期待我们社区中的每一个人——学生, 教职员工-平等对待他人,不容忍对他人的敌对行为.

We recognize that 性 and gender discrimination, as well as 性ual harassment and violence, are critical issues of our society, 我们认为,在我们的社区内关注这些问题是我们的责任. As a member of our community, you should expect St. 爱德华大学不仅要遵守联邦和州的法规,因为它们适用于第九条和州法律, 也要与我们的圣十字社区价值观保持一致, diversity, social justice and service.

我们的目标是帮助那些受到性别和性别歧视、骚扰和暴力影响的人. Whether you are a survivor, the accused or a bystander of such an incident, 我们作为一个社区在这里指导你完成解决的过程. 我们努力对社区内不同人群的独特需求保持敏感.

Being informed is an important step in finding resolution, either for yourself, a friend, or others in our community. Through empathy and compassion, 我们可以更容易地解决围绕性和性别的歧视和暴力问题. Thank you for taking a step toward service to others. 一起,我们可以为我们的社区带来一个更好的时代.

Non-Discrimination Statement

St. Edward’s University adheres to all federal, 状态, 当地的民权法律禁止在就业和教育方面的歧视. St. 爱德华大学在招生过程中没有歧视行为[法律允许的情况除外], in its employment practices, 或在其基于性/性别的教育计划或活动中. 作为教育活动的联邦财政援助的接受者,圣. 爱德华大学根据1972年教育修正案第九条的要求,确保其所有的教育项目和活动不基于性别/性别歧视. Sex includes [性, 性 stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, 性ual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status].

St. 爱德华大学还禁止对任何反对歧视或参与任何歧视调查或投诉程序的人进行报复. Sexual harassment, 性ual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of 性 discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX and by St. Edward’s University policy.

Any member of the campus community, 客人, or visitor who acts to deny, 剥夺, or limit the educational, employment, residential, or social access, opportunities and/or benefits of any member of the St. 爱德华大学以性别为基础的社区是违反圣. Edward’s University Title IX Policy and Procedures.

任何人都可以举报性别歧视(无论举报的人是否被指控经历过这种行为), in person, 通过邮件, by telephone, by video, or by email, 使用第九条协调员的365比分网电竞(如下). 涉及学生的报告可以在任何时间(包括非工作时间)通过填写 Student Concern Form. 涉及员工或第三方的报告可在任何时间(包括非工作时间)通过填写 Sex/Gender Harassment, Discrimination & Misconduct/Employee of Concern Form. 如果你不确定在哪里报告或者你的选择是什么, 欢迎联系大学的第九条协调员, Dr. Lisa Kirkpatrick.

丽莎L. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D.
Office Phone: 512-448-8777 |  Email: lisak@kaitianmaoyi.net

Title IX Policy Revisions

St. Edward’s University revised its Title IX policies and procedures (盒子 document) in August 2020, as well as again in August 2021, as instructed by the Department of Education. 这些修订规定进行现场听证会,以裁决不当性行为的指控, 这些现场听证会也可以使用虚拟技术进行. 这一新程序是美国教育部颁布的《365bet足球比分》第九条新规定的结果.S. Department of Education in May 2020.  We comply with all requirements, 但大学在解释新规定方面有一定的自由度, and how they are implemented.  Importantly, 我们将提供一些对社区所有成员都很重要的程序保护. 

虽然新规定意味着政策和程序的许多变化, 没有改变的是,我们致力于一个尊重大学社区所有成员尊严的过程. 我们尊重那些经历过不当性行为的人以对他们自己和他们的康复过程最好的方式处理这件事的权利. 我们尊重他们选择将报告提交大学正式决议的权利, 或者寻求学校的回应,主要集中在St. Edward’s or the larger community. Fair process is a priority, 同样重要的是修复伤害,促进社区所有成员的康复和安全,无论种族如何, 性, gender identity/expression, 年龄, 能力, religion, socio-economic status, 或者我们在一个多元化的社区中看重的其他品质/身份.

更多的资源可以在我们的第九条网页上找到,包括更新 syllabus langu年龄 (盒子 document) for faculty and the mandatory reporter policy (盒子 document).   

Safely Exit

Communication Updates on Title IX

The university communicates updates to the St. Edward's community regarding Title IX 性ual misconduct policy, process and resources.

2020 Regulations Requirement: Posting of Training Materials

参与为学生和员工实施第九条程序的工作人员致力于提供一个没有性别和性别歧视的教育和工作环境, 性ual harassment, 性ual assault, 关系暴力(包括家庭暴力和约会暴力)和跟踪. In compliance with 2020 Title IX regulations, you can find training materials 用于培训参与第九条程序的关键人员.

What falls under Title IX and State Laws?

  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment
  • Dating/Relationship violence
  • Stalking
  • Hate crimes based on gender or gender expression

如需被告为学生的具体定义,请参阅圣. Edward’s University Code of Student Conduct for terms and definitions. If the accused is an employee, consult the St. Edward’s University Employee Handbook for terms and definitions.  


Title IX Deputies

Steven Pinkenburg


Stefanie Holler


Melissa G. Esqueda

Equity Hall 131

Lisa Kirkpatrick

MB Suite 109